December 14, 2008

Hello From Greenpoint, New York

Well, this isn't exactly Greenpoint, but it does make for a neat opening picture...

Actually, I went to NYC in order to check up on our big motor starters there used for providing aeration for some digesters at a waste water treatment plant. But primarily, I was called out to provide some training on how to communicate with our machines using a laptop computer. This starter here is named Beatrice. All of our big machines are named. For this project, Germanic names were chosen. Although there are 9 machines here, we actually chose 10 names because we also built a prototype that was intentionally destroyed in testing. The prototype was named Gertrude, and the other nine were named: Gretchen, Brunhilde, Helga, Beatrice, Frieda, Ingrid, Mathilde, Adelheid & Katerina and built in that order.

And this is the motor/machine that we start. This is an air blower that moves huge amounts of air through it. The electric motor (on the right side) is rated at 2000 horse power.

And here is the training room. I was told that this room was to be demolished as the expansion of the treatment facility is completed.

As some point in all of this, I decided to take my first subway ride in New York, with the assistance of Chiu from work. He flew out at about the same time as I did to visit with his family and to show me around town, as time permitted. I took this picture because after I put a $10 bill in the Metrocard machine, it gave me back 3 different $1 coins. One is a Susan B. Anthony, the other is a Sacawajea and the third is a John Adams coin. It was interesting to see such diversity in change received from a machine.

First stop, Grand Central station. I can imagine this place is packed during rush hour.

Ah, Times Square. Again, thank goodness it isn't rush hour...

And here is Times Square in the opposite direction.

There are lights, signs and all kinds of illuminated commercials everywhere. I would love to see the power bill for this place.

Things just swirl around you if you stand still.

Nothing is as 'Christmas-y' as giant Christmas tree bulbs... Well, kinda.

And, how about a quick stop by Radio City Music Hall...

Then a stop by Rockerfeller Center to see the Christmas tree, the ice skating rink and the golden statue.

Yep, that's the one...

I just couldn't visit New York without stopping by the Empire State Building.

And, here we are, at the top of the Empire State Building. I was told that the top spire is loaded with radio and TV antennas, so here it is...

Wow, the view from here is great!

Ah, Lady Liberty. I was surprised that I could get this shot all the way from the ESB.

This is a view of the jobsite in Greenpoint. It's a sewage treatment plant where those egg-shaped vessels are in the distance.

I was amazed at the measures that were taken to keep people from splattering themselves on the streets below.

Hey! What's this guy doing here? Actually, Chiu has been showing me around his old stomping grounds during our visit here. Chiu wanted me to take his picture with the gold-capped building in the background.

Ah, Chinatown. A great place to shop, an even better place to eat!

But first, let's watch a few heavy-duty games of Chinese Chess and cards in the park. Lots of money was flying around...

This is a house-dress I got for Katrina in Chinatown. Chiu went out of his way to help me find it. Thanks Chiu!

The brocade is something else. This is a traditional Chinese dragon...

And this is a Phoenix bird too.

We somehow got exactly the right size, as you can see. It actually fits her nicely. Well, that's all for now, time to head home now...


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