February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day - Geocaching Style

Nothing like communing with Nature on Valentine's Day with family in order to make for an enjoyable day (with a funny day twist at the end).

Here we are hunting down some more of those elusive containers in a nature preserve near Karen's place. And Kylor came out to join in the adventurous hiking too.

Yeah, it really is nice to come across scenery like this.

And finding geocaches all over the place is a bonus too.

When we were near one of the geocaches, Karen and Kylor came across a real, rough-hewn outhouse in the middle of the brush.

Ahhhhh, all the amenities of home...

You know, sometimes finding geocaches really isn't all that hard, thanks to geocachers visiting before us. As we were finding geocaches in the preserve, I was dropping foreign currency coins in the containers. One time, I handed a container I had just sereptitiously poured a small handful of coins into, to Kylor, and he was happy to see that some geocachers were trading these coins in the containers we had found. I didn't have the heart to tell him it was me until the last cache of the day. The look on his face when I told him was absolutely priceless...

Still more scenery to observe as we were hiking along.

Well, it looks like we're done with hiking after 3 hard miles of trudging through sandy horse paths loaded with 'road apples'. As we got back to the van, I realized I had locked my keys inside and were still in the ignition. Thankfully, Karen had a coat hanger and I had a pair of pliers, so after struggling a bit, I was able to fashion the needed tool to pop the lock and get us into the van (amongst jokes and comments about the setting sun and the possibility of having the van locked in the park overnight).

So, all's well that ends well and we were able to drive home within about half an hour after realizing my 'fauz pas'. This was a nice way to spend Valentine's day, a day created in order to express your thanks for having certain people in your life to spend time with.

Hope your day was just as memorable.


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