December 4, 2010

Geocaching At Flatwoods With Luann & Karen

We had a great time riding our bikes around Flatwoods as we worked on finding more geocaches and adding to our photo catalog.

As you can see, it was worth the effort...

We decided to head over to this one cache that was a little deeper in the woods.

And the trail opened up into a clearing where this cabin stands.

We don't know the story behind why it is here, but I'm sure it must be an interesting tale.

Here is a black & white image, which kinda gives something of an age perspective to this porch.

A peek inside shows that the cabin is in pretty condition inside.

We were quite surprised at how well built this building is. The walls are made of what looks like trees cut from the area, then they were stacked up and cemented together. It's a pretty strong construction technique.

About the only flaw we could find was a rusted section of the roof by this window. Hi Karen! I asked her to pose in the window in order to round out this shot. I like this one...

There were a couple of citrus trees around the cabin and it looks like the Florida Department of Agriculture is keeping tabs on things with these fly traps. Unfortunately, I could see what looked like a Mediteranian fruit fly in one of them...

As you can see, we spent some time photographing this interesting example of urban decay.

Afterwards, we started hunting for geocaches. This one took some bush whacking to get to it.

This geocache uses a Verizon phone case as the container for the log sheet.

And here is Karen putting it back into place.

Here is a decon container, just hanging off of a tree.

And for the next one, Luann took a break while Karen bushwhacked our way to the cache container.

Ah, there it is!

This is one reason we like looking for geocaches in the woods. You never know what you will find in one of these bigger containers.

Ah, the ever-present bison tube in a tree. We have found many of these.

On our way out, we came upon this deer that crossed our path.

And it let us get this close to it. The reason why is that it was waiting for us to go by so she could cross the path again to get back to her fawn that was too afraid to cross the asphalt pathway. Meanwhile, I got these great pictures before bolted back across the road. This bike ride was a bunch of fun and we covered about 7.5 miles. I know we're gonna be sore in the morning!


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