September 26, 2010

The Barbecue From Hell

Well, maybe not 'from' Hell, but it sure looks like it made a pass through the territory...

What we learned about our barbecue grill today is that if you decide to grill chicken quarters and bratwurst at the same, don't close the lid, set a timer for 4 minutes and expect everything to work out fine all by itself. Something special is in store for you after you shut the timer off and go back outside to check on the grill. There's nothing like discovering there's a huge fireball burning brightly inside your grill which is being fueled by the oils shooting out of the sausages and the temp gauge is reading over 600 degrees.

Here's a different angle of the aftermath. Not really sure what might still be edible in the middle of all this...

Well whaddaya know? The insides are cooked to a turn, but not in too bad of a condition. A little scraping off of the blackened stuff and everything will be fine. Well, sort of.

At least we won't be having problems from eating undercooked meats...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it seems like you did enjoy eating the "properly cook chicken".. hehehe.. at least you're safe from salmonella..

Monday, September 27, 2010 7:15:00 PM  

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