Wicher Said Hi!
We got a comment this afternoon from Wicher in the Netherlands (Holland) about the boat on our blog site;
"Nice work at the boat Hans and Luann!! I like to read your story about recovering the boat.
I will send you some pictures of our sloep.
Groeten van Wicher. "
A little explaining is needed here...
Wicher and his wife Sonja were very gracious to let Luann, Katrina & myself stay with them when we visited Holland in May 2000 with my parents (the parents stayed in Assen with my Tante Ida). Anyway, here is a link to a website I put together to show the wonderful time we had out there, thanks to the hard work and patience of Wicher & Sonja.
Holland Visit
The website is old and hasn't been updated in several years, but I keep it running to remember the fine time we had on our visit.
While rummaging through some archived emails between Wicher and myself, I stumbled across these pictures. They are about a year old or so. I'm hoping I can update them with some newer ones soon (hint).

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