August 22, 2009

Karen Gets A Haircut

She hasn't had her hair cut since 2003 and it came out great. But don't take my word for it, have a look for yourself...

So, she brought in a photo of how she would like her hair to be styled and Danny took out the scissors.

Yeah, she's keeping a watchful eye on Danny as he prepares to remove some of the length.

And I mean a WATCHFUL eye...

When the big snip occured, it was like she was in pain.

Don't believe me? Here's a closer look at the 'moment of snip'.

And here is an even closer view. Yeah, she 'felt' that one.

And here is the moment after. It doesn't look to be all that bad.

But of course, a few more inches will need to be removed to get the styling just right.

So, Danny sets to work...

And Karen puts on her 'brave face'.

But eventually, reality sets in that yes, her hair is much shorter than it has been in several years and apparently, Luann's snapping away with the camera can get VERY annoying (but then we wouldn't have these cool pictures).

Ah, it has really taken shape and Danny is working out the final touches.

Yeah, I think her new hair style is a great success.

Look at that smile!

Afterwards, we stopped off at a little Korean restaurant for lunch and Luann took a picture of Karen after I said she reminds me a bit of Tina Louise.

So, she finally did it. She had her hair reduced in length and had it re-styled. Looks like she's got a new attitude!


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