September 16, 2009

Opa's Bout With Pneumonia

I got a call from my estranged Brother-In-Law last night that my dad was in the hospital for the past couple of days. It seems Dad was having difficulty with breathing, so Bobby took him to the emergency room. I called my dad at the hospital and he said he couldn't get in touch with me because the phone number he has is for my old corporate phone. so I updated him with my cell number, which is Luann's old phone number. After talking with dad for a bit, he said that the hospital performed a battery of tests and he was found to have pneumonia. They gave him a liberal dose of meds and oxygen and he responded well to the treatment, so the prognosis is good and they anticpate that he will be released from the hospital today.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope he's okay now Hans!..

Friday, September 25, 2009 8:29:00 PM  

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