September 1, 2009

Finders "Key"-Pers

It seems I've been finding other people's lost keys lately. Last Sunday, I found a set of keys with a trailer lock still attached to it. Thankfully, it had a little tag on it with the owner's address, so we were able to return the keys to the rightful owner. Then last night, we were pulling into the parking lot of the local grocery store and a black pickup truck almost hit us in the side. The guy was in a big rush, it seems, to talk to a woman that was standing by an SUV we had eventually parked next to. Well, I kinda listened to their banter and realized it wasn't a 'toxic' exchange, so Luann and I went into the store.

As we meandered through the produce section, I saw a car key with a remote control sitting amongst the bagged potatoes. At this point, I had an idea who might have lost the key, so I went outside the front of the store and looked at the make of the vehicle parked next to our van. Sure enough, it was a Ford, just like the emblem on the key. I looked to my left and the woman I had seen talking to her husband earlier was standing there. When I turned toward her to ask her if she was missing her car key, she said; "Those are my keys!" before I could say a word.

I told her that I had found it at the potatoes, figured out it was probably hers and was actually confirming my suspicions that it was she who owned the key. She said that she was standing out front in case some kid came across the key and had plans to take her car. Meanwhile, she said, her husband was (angrily) searching the store for her lost key. I mentioned that this was the second day in a row that I had found lost keys and that I was happy to be of assistance, gave her the key and went back inside.

And the moral to this story is...?

Don't come storming into the parking lot with your truck because you're pissed at your wife for losing her keys in the store. The person you might hit, could be the one who will find the keys for you...


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