August 27, 2009

I Kinda Blew Up The Grill...

You see, I like to make a quick-grill porkchop recipe that involves boiling the chops in a container full of a marinade that I make up. This means that the loaded glassware baking tray is placed in the grill and allowed to heat up to about 500 degrees for about 15 minutes, then I take the porkchops out of the glass container and flash-grill them for a couple of minutes at this high heat. Usually, this all works out real nice and the chops taste great.

Unfortunately though, things didn't quite work out as planned last night, because after I finished grilling the chops, I put them on a plate and took them into the house. Then, I came back out to take the glass container out of the grill, but when I picked it up with a pair of pot holders, one of them had a loop that got hooked on the rotisserie opening. So, I had to place the glass tray back on the grill and when it touched the surface, it kind of... exploded!

Here are the pictures of the mayhem that occured.

I think the reason the glassware shattered was because big raindrops were coming down while I was taking it out of the grill and maybe one or two drops hit the glass container and that's why it went "POP!"...


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