August 1, 2006

Work Progress - Day 14

Well, another day has come and gone. Since I have finished up the wiring, I have been waiting for the electricians to finish up landing the medium voltage connections and pulling more cables for the telemetry. While they were working on that, I updated the wiring diagrams, had them printed and went over the PLC input/output requirements with Jesus & Orlando (the local PLC guru). After that was done, I uhm... went back to the hotel, since it was 4:30. And now, the pics...

This picture shows the medium voltage (4160) cable spliced together after they come through the Ground Fault CT (GFCT) I put in Saturday.

This shot shows how they curl around in the bottom of the starter before running through a plate in the floor.

How many electricians does it take to put in a ground cable in the back of the starter? It looks like three... there is one more of them just past the pair of dark blue shirts actually doing the work. Just kidding actually. These guys really do get the job done, between breaks and stuff...

Here is the aftermath of the medium voltage cable splicing episode. I still can't figure out what the ladder was for when they were laying on the ground while making the splices. Maybe it was used as a bridge to get over the electrician laying on the ground.

This is the view on the drive back to the hotel. It's been a while since I have been able to drive back and it's still daylight out.

Yep, I-40 is still under construction. It has been torn up since I first started coming out here in April, 2000.

Ahhhh, here's the exit for the hotel. Half a mile to go, and I'll be able to pass out...


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