Ok, so we went a little nuts this year...
This bear was named Me-Too in honor of the first teddy bear I gave Luann, named "Me". When we were first dating, I gave it to her when I was leaving to go on vacation to Florida for a week (we were in Arizona). Since I was having flowers delivered the day I was flying to Miami, I bought Me and had the florist deliver it too. I told Luann (later, over the phone) that if she missed me while I was gone, all she had to do was hug Me, who was something of a Hans-proxy. Apparently, it went off fairly well...
Since Me has long departed, I felt it was time for a replacement bear. This one is named "Me-Too" as a double statement. One, he is the second Me bear. Two, he is still part of the idea, in that if Luann were alone, she could take Me-Too with her.
These are the two bears Katrina got from a couple of her friends at school.
This is the setup we left for Katrina to discover when she came home from school. The funny thing is, she went with me to the florist the night before to buy these things, thinking they were for Luann.
I knew that she would love it because she was cooing over the things we were getting for 'Mom'...
And of course, what is Valentine's Day without flowers? Katrina bought a dozen mixed roses to hand out at school and these by the front door were for Luann.
And here is the bunch we bought for Luann the day before V-Day. Peanut is doing a good job holding the vase for us.
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