After we attended the gun show, we did some geocaching with little Philip then toured a park with an old tower, and an old spa.
This is the Sulfur Springs water tower. It had a better time than it has now, but according to this article, they are working on getting it back on the path to restoration.
Sulfur Spring itself. This was something of a bath house / spa that is closed down now. It is interesting to see that there is some history of 'Old Tampa' and thanks to geocaching, we are learning more about our neighborhood and city.
This is the old section of Sulfur Spring.
Before stopping at Sulfur Spring, we stopped off at Jay B. Starkey Park in order to locate a couple of caches before heading over to pick up the girls from the Renaissance Festival.
Hi Philip! He sure is smiling after locating his first find.
After that last one, we had to trek for over a mile to get to this next one. If it didn't have a coin in it, we wouldn't have gone so far. The views were nice though.

While we were searching for the container, Luann decided to lean against this old dead tree. Come to find out, her hand was less than a foot away from the container.

Yep, the coin is in there, and a beautiful lizard pin too. We took the pin to give to Philip's sister Melissa.
Well, time to go get the girls...
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