Rat-A-Tat-Tat! Nothing like serious firepower to make you realize it's great to be an American...
We decided to attend a machine gun shooting demonstration today. Unfortunately, Katrina had to work at the Bay Area Rennaissance Festival with her friend Melissa, so we took Melissa's brother, Philip with us.
Here are some of the cars that were placed out here for the machine-gunners to shoot up.
There were all kinds of neat weaponry brought in by the National Guard and civilians. We were most impressed by these young ladies shooting .50 BMG rounds. That's 50 caliber, Browning Machine Gun, the stuff that fighter aircraft typically shoot. The blow-back from the muzzle brake on one of those things was amazing! We saw one fool get too close to her when she was shooting and as soon as the round went off, his head snapped back from the force of the blast. Yep, Testosterone meets Estrogen, and she slapped his face...
Directly in front of us were a couple of guys that really didn't impress us. The best they had was this .50 BMG that they used to shoot low-power practice rounds.
As the rapid-firing progressed, every so often, we would hear a thump and then a huge "ka-boom!" Turns out this guy is with the National Guard and was working out with concussion grenades. It must be nice to be able to throw some of the tax payer's finest out there.

Everyone was trying hard to catch the cars on fire. Eventually, the van was hit by a round that started it burning pretty well.
She did it, she did it! Apparently, she decided that if a car had to be torched, it was up to her to get the job done. She simply dropped an incendiary round in the .50 BMG to her right and shoved the 'flamer' into the van's fuel tank to start the fireworks.
Here is one of the roof-mounted machine guns, getting loaded for the next volley. I personally liked the Gatling gun mounted on the truck next to him. It ripped through rounds so fast, it sounded like a thousand pissed-off hummingbirds taking flight. It was just a case of: Ziiiiip! All done!
Here is little Philip, watching the 'Car-B-Cue' action.
Hey look at that! Looks like another one is on fire! Burn, baby, burn! We had a bunch of fun with this. The best part was when the girls showed the guys how to get it done...
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