Bored? I know! Let's Re-Sod The Yard!
After deciding to rake the leaves in the front yard after having not done so in a while, I discovered something of a wasteland under the oak leaves. Wow, the grass (and even the weeds) were all gone! Hmmmm, "Time to re-sod", says I...
For some crazy reason, Chiu from work volunteered to come by and help me drop the sod plates into place, all the while teaching me the proper techniques of good sod placement without hurting your back. Hi Chiu! He's hard at work behind the bush...
This is what the yard looks like after dropping 7 1/2 pallets of sod. Time to chop up some of the remaining sod plates to fill in some gaps and odd-shaped sections, then tamp them down. Have machete, will travel...
Ahhhh! Look at all of those empty pallets! The yard didn't come out as flat as I thought it would, but Chiu reassures me that the sod will level out once it gets a couple of good soakings of rain. It's looking pretty good so far.
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