Since it was 'Chocolate Weekend" at the Bay Area Renaisance Festival (Ren-Faire), Luann & Friends & Family met up for an afternoon of mirth, merriment (& chocolate).
Here is a group photo of (most) all who attended. From left to right, we've got: Kayla, Sharon, Luann, Jeff, Karen, Conni, Jennifer, little Jane in front of Jennifer and Desiree. Yes, I know I said it's "Girls Day Out" and Jeff is in the picture too, but he fits in well with them, so why not?
Actually, the group shot was taken later in the day. The first arrivals with Luann, were Conni, Marci (not pictured in the group shot above) Jennifer (behind Marci), Jeff, his friend Jim and Desiree. The rest of the group showed up a little later.
Ah, the first stop for the girls is at the kiosk of "The Horny Man". When you buy a set of tie-on horns or ears that he made up, you have a lifetime adjustment plan. Just stop by when you visit the Ren-Faire and he'll make sure you're wearing them the way they were designed to be worn.
Oh, did I mention that "The Horny Man" also gives great 'tail'? Apparently, Conni bought this nice little number in order to 'tie one on' before heading out for the rest of the day's adventure.
Not too long after that, Karen, Sharon and the girls showed up in their fine regalia.
Here is one of my favorite parts of the Faire, the Hawks and Falconry display. Beautiful birds and an excellent presentation every year.
Looks like it's time for a drink or two. Kinda makes you wonder what everybody is drinking today. I'm not tellin'!
Jennifer & her blue bustierre. She was talking about getting a new one this year.
I was told there was some conversation about how I would look in this leather combat suit. Tell you what girls, if I get some time, I'll see if I can photoshop a picture of myself wearing this thing...
Say hello to John Sparrow, the long-lost, older brother of Jack Sparrow.
It looks like John Sparrow has taken a shine to Karen. Smile!
A nice pose with John sparrow. Pirate wenches, they be! Arrrh!
From what I have been told, there are several ways to get somebody's goat, and it looks like little Jane's got her hands on one of them now!
Awww! Now, isn't that cute?
Nothing like a 6-foot, eleven-inch tall guy to make you feel like a dwarf. Almost makes you want to say "Follow the yellow brick road" in a high-pitched voice...
All hail the king! What's the Renaissance period without royalty hanging around?
Here comes Sharon from what looks to be a juant out to the shopping tents. Good news everybody, she's coming back empty-handed! Well, at least with little Jane still in tow...
What the? This horse looks a bit 'stilted'! Kind of like a compact car version of a trusty steed. Kinda makes you want to see some real horses. Y'know, I think they might have medieval jousting today...
Say hello to the Sargeant At Arms, responsible for keeping the games fair and honest. He is astride one beautiful horse.
Let the games begin! A couple of passes with the lances...
Then some good-old hand to hand combat to appease the masses.
Strange looking sword-play...
See what happens you no longer follow the guidelines of fair play? The Sargeant At Arms makes sure the combatants 'get the point'. No shenanigans, when he is around!
Well, it looks like Jennifer found a replacement bustierre.
Here is Katrina, working as a 'Soda Wench' with her friend Malisa.
With these neat costumes, the girls sure look the part.
Of all the pictures Luann took, this is the only one with Sharon & Karen by themselves. And, look at the size of that chocolate-dipped strawberry in Sharon's hands!
Here is a close-up shot of Jane. Looks like she's having some fun.
Time for the little fairey to take a rest on a toadstool...
It looks like the basket weaver has caught Jane's attention.
This picture is just so cute on so many levels...
It looks like the Girls Day Out at the Renaissance Faire was a fun time had by all.
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